Taking it to the Trail side Hardcore

Hey peeps

So as most of you know I love running on trails but when I am training for Ironman distance triathlons I usually move away from trails to road.  I do this because I don't want to risk rolling an  ankle or worse on technical trails and risk getting to the start line of my race(s).

Well Tri season is over and I was able to get in on the last race of the 5Peaks series - Buntzen -a technical course but not so nuts that I figured I would be okay. 

On my post Roth/Penticton high I decided what the heck lets do the Enduro course - I mean really how bad can it be?  16km of up and down - I got this.

Well one of the things is that when you push and push and don't take a break or probably recover is your body sometimes fights back.

About  a week and a half before the race I noticed this weird little rash on my tummy (I would say stomach but I have a tummy - no washboard abs here ).  I did not think too much about it but then it kept spreading.  HMMM by the weekend I was like I think I should maybe get this looked at. 

So into the walk-in clinic I went and the doctor said why are you here and I was like nothing big but I have this little rash - and pulled up my shirt.  She backed up about a foot and when yep that is SHINGLES - whaaaatttttt.  Shingles  - you have shingles. Okaaayyy she is like do you feel tired - kind of did a 7km run this am but I am a long distance triathlete - tired is all relative.  She was like how long I was like about a week now.  Does it itch - no not really.  Does it hurt - a bit but not much. 

Then she says wow- most people find this very painful - I was like oh - I have a pretty high pain threshold.   Then she says - are you sure it does not hurt?  Again - I said kind of but nothing I can't deal with.  Then me I am like so what do I do and she was like your body is tired this is your body saying rest......  So like no run tomorrow?  She was like no run - can I ride my bike - that is when I am pretty sure she did the biggest EYE ROLL ever.  Big Sigh - no bike riding you need to rest this will not go away until you rest!  OK got it. 

Left the clinic called Joe and told him and to his credit I did not get too much of a lecture....  Well it was like the stupid rash was listening because all of the sudden shooting pain - WOW that is not cool!  Fortunately it would go away and then all of the sudden BAM hit.  At night it was just a dull ache and it was right where my belt line was so waistbands were rubbing it to. Not fun. 

So a week out from Buntzen I am told I need to rest and I have Shingles and this is not looking good.  Lucky after a couple of days of bedrest and just chilling the pain started to ease and it seemed to stop spreading.  So what do I do - change to the Sport Distance from Enduro.  Tee hee

The race morning was foggy and wet - typical fall weather in Vancouver.  Off we went and I think I did okay.  I forgot how hilly the course was and the pain from the Shingle was there but very minimal really and I would say probably muted by my concentration of staying upright and not twisting an ankle.  I did go down once but besides a little dirt on my hands came out unscathed. 

I do love the course what I did notice was my energy level felt really low in the back half of the course.   I got it done though and I was pleased with the time 1:36 for 10km trail race with Shingles - not too bad.  I will take it and as usual 5Peaks did it up right with Pancakes and icecream at the finish line.  YUMMY

I felt great and was like that was not so bad.  The next day was when I realized dumb move - I could barely move and my body was MAD AT ME!  Yep so I have no confirmed from my field research - best not to run with Shingles.  See another community service announcement. 

Still glad I did the race and I get to keep my rep as hardcore warrier

Peace out Shaun


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