Roth 2015. -race report
Wow where to start. In 2012 I said I will do 1 more ironman just to prove that the first 1 was not a fluke. Challenge came and took over penticton that year and my friend Judith and I registered with them rather than wait to see where Ironman would be. I wanted to prove I could do the same course and do it faster, I also met Felix, owner of Challenge and he convinced me to trust his group would respect the course and take care of us athletes. I finished that race and can say that the Challenge team met and exceeded all my expectations. I was satisfied -goal done. Then at the rewards dinner Felix got up and started speaking about Challenge's race in Roth. They showed a video and by the end of the dinner I turned to Joe and said 1 more. I am going to go to Roth ; him: " I thought this was the last one?" Me: look at it -I have to do it. And the quest began. Flash forward to June 2014 and registration day. ...