Ok so here we go, I know, I know you have heard it all before but sorry. I promise I will be better and blog on a regular basis. Promise..... Here is the thing, it has been a rough 18+months and well at times it has been hard to get up and adult let alone blog something any of you might be interested in and I come from the generation where you don't whine, show weakness or air your issues/struggles. So I will give you a quick Coles notes: 2016 - had minor surgery and then dislocated shoulder. Did fort Langley gran fondo and Lambchops lackies completed the long course triathlon i penticton. The same race that my Joe and my brother-in-law Jim both competed and qualified for Worlds long course tri in penticton this year. Joe will be racing for Canada and Jimfor Ireland. Me I will be leading the team Smyth cheer team!!!! Among other personal struggles and that I am not willing to publicize (refer to 2nd paragraph) our amazing dog Blue was kill...
Showing posts from March, 2017