It is an individual journey
I may have mentioned that I lead/coach half marathon clinics out of the local Running room. The big race in Vancouver each year is the BMO Vancouver International Half marathon, which is run in May and this particular clinic tends to be the largest. Currently there is 106 registered and counting. Special K is helping me lead the clinic because of the size of it. I am also at the same time wrapping up the Fort Langly Historic Half clinic - their race is in February so there is some juggling for the next few weeks. One of the first things I tell people is to focus on themselves and to not worry about what the person beside, in front or behind them is doing. I tell them this is their journey not the person beside them, it does not matter if they are faster or slower what matters is what they do. That the only person that will hold them back is themselves. I have a young lady in the Fort Langley clinic who is the classic person that is wo...