
Showing posts from February, 2010

Glove Love - 2010

Hey all  I hope you are enjoying the olympics as much as I am - it is such an amazing atmosphere here in Vancouver.  Honestly I am totally loving the summer olympics (just kidding).  My gloves and I spend everyday downtown just soaking up the atmosphere.  I have come up with a little project to keep me occupied while waiting in line ups and such - GLOVE LOVE and have a little photo album on facebook of me and my gloves around the Olympics. Here is the link - I hope you enjoy.  Go Canada Go Shaun

Go Canada Go!

I know, I know I promised that I would check in more often but a lot of things have happened over the last few weeks.  I am now a certified community triathlon coach.  I have registered a domain - and I was laid off.  Oh and you might have heard about a small event happening here  - the Olympics.  The job - it is a blessing - I was very unhappy there and am relieved I do not ever have to go back there.  Being laid off is a total blessing plus it means I get to enjoy the olympics thoroughly.  And trust me I have been - I had 2 friends actually run with the torch which was amazing - they are rock stars - a chill went down my spine when they had their torches lit and were running - absolutely breathtaking - and I was only watching.  I also had a chance to go to the Opening Ceremonies rehearsals and was enthralled and so proud to be Canadian.  Lastly I am going to go to a hockey game next week so am super excited about tha...