Go Canada Go!

I know, I know I promised that I would check in more often but a lot of things have happened over the last few weeks. 

I am now a certified community triathlon coach.  I have registered a domain - tryhardcoaching.com and I was laid off.  Oh and you might have heard about a small event happening here  - the Olympics. 

The job - it is a blessing - I was very unhappy there and am relieved I do not ever have to go back there.  Being laid off is a total blessing plus it means I get to enjoy the olympics thoroughly.  And trust me I have been - I had 2 friends actually run with the torch which was amazing - they are rock stars - a chill went down my spine when they had their torches lit and were running - absolutely breathtaking - and I was only watching.  I also had a chance to go to the Opening Ceremonies rehearsals and was enthralled and so proud to be Canadian.  Lastly I am going to go to a hockey game next week so am super excited about that and do not leave the house without all my Canada gear on - including my coveted red mittens. I have been hanging otu at differnt pavillions just soaking up the atmosphere and of course looking for ways to get into more events. 

It also allows me to pursue my aspirations of setting up my own coaching business - I have a domain now - http://www.trihardcoaching.com/ and a slogan - tri hard and you will realize your dreams!  Now I just have to build the website, figure out rates, and I guess find some clients.  It is all very exciting and more than a  little scary- can I really do this and will people actually let me coach them? 

I took a course last weekend with Triathlon Canda for the National Community Coaching Program and so am now certified to teach adult triathletes.  The course was amazing  - I learned so much and realized I have so much more to learn!  I am thoroughly motivated and excited. 

Before I sign off - my deepest sympathies to the family and countrymen of Nodar Kumaritashvili, the Georgian luger who tragically died yesterday. 

Last but not least - GO CANADA GO

Peace out Shaun


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