power to the pedals
hey all So for the last few weeks I have been going to power cycling classes. Every Wednesday I go between excitement and dread for most of the day - why because for 90 minutes I climb into the hurt locker and suffer. The dread is that these classes are incredibly hard and I am exhausted beyond exhausted at the end of each session. The excitement is that I know how much stronger and hopefully faster I am getting from the workouts. Power cycling is a little different from Spin because you combine wattage and cadence in a controled manner. Wattage is the torque at which you are turning the pedal. In class I am called fast legs - my average cadence is 99 - 102 revolutions per minute. When I first got into cycling and training with the Zimich's they impressed upon us that cadence should always be 95 - 105 rpm. High cadence is great for triathletes as you are using more cardio rather than muscle strength and thus when you get off the bike for...