
Showing posts from 2017

power to the pedals

hey all So for the last few weeks I have been going to power cycling classes.  Every Wednesday I go between excitement and dread for most of the day - why because for 90 minutes I climb into the hurt locker and suffer. The dread is that these classes are incredibly hard and I am exhausted beyond exhausted at the end of each session.  The excitement is that I know how much stronger and hopefully faster I am getting from the workouts. Power cycling is a little different from Spin because you combine wattage and cadence in a controled manner.  Wattage is the torque at which you are turning the pedal. In class I am called fast legs - my  average cadence is 99 - 102 revolutions  per minute.  When I first got into cycling and training with the Zimich's they impressed upon us that cadence should always be 95 - 105 rpm.  High cadence is great for triathletes as you are using more cardio rather than muscle strength and thus when you get off the bike for...

Benefits of Exercise - sometimes you need more

Hey everyone We all know that exercise is great for a health: helps with weight management can help with aging help reverse medical concerns such as high blood pressure, etc help with positive attitude But sometimes that may not be enough.  It is about to get heavy but I feel that I need to talk about it and let you all know it is okay. As athletes sometimes it is incredibly hard for us to reach out for help or even admit that we need help. I think most people that know me will confirm that I am pretty a strong person mentally - you have to have a certain level of mental fortitude to do long distance endurance sports. I have always turned to exercise when things have gotten tough - it has been a solace and a panacea - when Blue was killed while it was incredibly hard to race the next day it also helped.  I know some people did not understand how can we were able to get up and race but Joe and I both knew that Blue loved to run and play so it seemed like the right t...


I have been helping my friend JuneBug James with her 1/2 marathon clinic as her 2:15 pacer.  A few weeks ago she asked the pace leaders to talk to the group about what motivates them. The talk was great and it really got me  thinking about what does motivate me.  I mean I have been running regularly since 2000 and doing tri's since 2002.  It is more a lifestyle/hobby now but there are still times when I struggle with getting out the door and would prefer to lie on the couch playing on the Ipad and watching netflix all day. So what motivates me a few things but the biggest is the Challenge - the challenge to prove to myself that I can do things that I never thought I could do and to prove that you don't have to be a professional or elite athlete.  You don't have to be the fastest or the strongest you just have to want to and have heart. Other things that help are my buddies, my friends - I have been involved in sports all my life but the friends that I have...
Ok so here we go, I know, I know you have heard it all before but sorry.  I promise I will be better and blog on a regular basis.  Promise..... Here is the thing, it has been a rough 18+months and well at times it has been hard to get up and adult let alone blog something any of you might be interested in and I come from the generation where you don't whine, show weakness or air your issues/struggles.  So I will give you a quick Coles notes: 2016 - had minor surgery and then dislocated shoulder.  Did fort Langley gran fondo and Lambchops lackies completed the long course triathlon i penticton.  The same race that my Joe and my brother-in-law Jim both competed and qualified for Worlds long course tri in penticton this year.  Joe will be racing for Canada and Jimfor Ireland.  Me I will be leading the team Smyth cheer team!!!! Among other personal struggles and that I am not willing to publicize (refer to 2nd paragraph) our amazing dog Blue was kill...