Revenge of the trainer
My indoor trainer - Oh how I hate riding on the trainer. I know it is good for technique and you can get a good work out on the trainer while staying warm and dry in doors during the bad winter months. Your bike stays clean, you can catch up on all your TV shows, watch movies and are safe from erratic drivers. But I still hate riding on the trainer. Quite frankly I would rather poke myself in the eye with a pencil. Thankfully living on the wet coast we have mild winters and generally can ride all year long with the exception of a couple of weeks usually in January. I honestly would rather ride outside in the cold and rain then on the trainier. And have done so but as of late the girls have been riding in spin class at Coach B's new spin studio - I did not plan on going but a few weeks ago I took a small tumble down a flight of stairs at work and so part of the rehab was spin class (groan....). So I signed up for 5 classes figur...