HOW BAD CAN IT BE? God I have missed that feeling.
So the last couple of years, I guess really after Ironman, I have kind of felt like I am just going through the motions. Register for a race, train for a race, do a race. Repeat. I have not really been excited it just has been an ends to a means. I mean I have been excited about the locations but the actual distance or type of race - not really. That : wow how do I go about doing this, holy crap am I seriously thinking about doing this, I feel kind of sick, seriously HOW BAD CAN IT BE feeling. It just has not been there. Well it is back and it feels awesome! I feel anxious, a little worried and excited all at the same time. You ask - what is it, what is it? Background first - my very first running Coach - Louise. . She was so inspiring and really touched me and helped develop my passion for running. She was/is an amazing athlete and her passion for running was contagious. She really cared about us and encouraged u...