Perspective and Hope

For the last 6 weeks or so I have been dealing with  my injury - torn calf muscle and it has been a bit of a roller coaster for me.

I lead an incredibly busy and full life and my coping skills for stress is to run or ride and well I have not had that to help me vent.  This is also how I socialize with all my friends - runs and rides - so to put it bluntly I have been pretty self pitying and while the rational part of me is like - get-over-yourself it is not that big a deal.  The emotional - I am a LEO after all - is messing with my psyche alot.

However over the last week a lot of things have happened that quite frankly put my little injury into perspective.  In the last week a friend has had to put down her adolescent dog very suddenly - if you are not a dog owner or lover then it is a little hard to understand but it was upsetting and I gave Bishop a big hug when I got home on Tuesday.  Some people I know have just been diagnosed with cancer - always unsettling and upsetting and then last night I found out an acquaintance died very suddenly and needlessly.   He was a runner out of my local running room and while I did not hang out with or run with him I did occasionally share a hello - how are you and other pleasantries.  He was a healthy guy who did his first Ironman the same year I did.  He apparently passed away from Meningitis this past weekend- I must say I am still in shock.  He was young and healthy and thought he had the flu - he had gone to emergency and they sent him home the first time.  The second time they diagnosed properly but it was too late.  Just makes you think - enjoy every second and stop focusing on the negative.

Then I received another email - a friend who was diagnosed with Cancer a few years ago  sent me an email.  One of the things that was hardest for her to accept was that after treatment she would no longer be able to have children - which she so desperately wanted.  Well her email was to let me and others know that are prayers had worked and she is 3 months pregnant!  It brought tears to my eyes because I know how much this means to her and her husband. 

And there is your perspective - it reminds me to not be so self-focused and to be grateful for what I have and the people in my life.

Things are obviously moving forward - I have been out of the the aircast for just over 2 weeks and wearing a compression sock.  I have gotten clearance to do little tiny runs - well he said run on the spot but me and the dog thought that was kind of dumb so we compromised and do little jogs for 30 seconds about 3 times during a 30 minute walk and today I got permission to start riding to work!  I am not allowed to put alot of tension or get out of the saddle but at least I can take the bike off the trainer and ride outside again - YEAH!!!

So everyone take a moment to hug someone you care about and gratefull for all you have.  Miracles do happen and life is way too short.

Peace out


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