Saying goodbye is never easy

This post is a tribute to the original and founding member of the Shaunette's - Chris Fretwell. Chris passed away on February 15th at 11:37pm after a very prolonged battle with Breast Cancer. She is survived by her 2 sons - my god sons and her chosen family which is larger than any one would ever expect. This is a true testament to the amazing woman that my friend was. I met Chris at the X-spot during the weekly Sunday breakfast/brunch after run club on Sunday mornings. She just appeared one Sunday morning and she fit in. Honestly I did not really know much about her as I was in a faster pace group but she seemed friendly and she joined us at the restaurant every Sunday. Fast forward to 2004 and I decided to train for my first full marathon and so did Chris. For those that have run a marathon it is not easy, it is even harder if you are struggling with arthritis, stomach issues and well your lady bits are just being jerks but Chr...