Retirement – FOMO - I know you are but what am I…

So after the Northwest Triman in June,  I said that is it I am never doing another Ironman distance Triathlon.  I officially retired from that distance and am actively pursuing all the other things I want to do.   

Joe – Yeah right
Me – No that is it – I am done no more
Joe – I don’t believe you
Me – Believe it  - I have too many things I want to do/learn. 
Joe – You say this now but you will do another

Insert just about anyone else in the Joe section and the  conversation was pretty much the same with mom, other family member, friends, neighbors, co-workers, running buddies, random strangers – ok maybe not random strangers…

Anyways you get the gist  - know one believed me.  

So what I have been doing since Triman you ask?  

Well I have kept busy not to worry – registered for a standard tri and a 10km run in September so still running, riding and swimming just not uber long distances.  I really want to do an Ultra next year and some longer bike rides or maybe some more bike touring.   Mostly I am trying to keep busy because I am missing Joe while he is away. 

  1. I have been going out on my Mountain bike trying to become proficient on it – only crashed once so far and still pretty freaked out but getting more confident each time I go out.
  2. I have reconnected with the Ladies of the Trails crew and began running trails on the mountain by my house on Thursday nights
  3. Wednesdays still run with my run crew – North Burnaby Run Club. 
  4. Saturdays  spent riding with various friends on the road bike.
  5. I have been paddle boarding a few times and really quite enjoying it –so much so I even looked at what they cost – too much by the way.
  6. I pulled out the golf clubs from the back of the cupboard and started golfing with some ladies in my hood – we are terrible but have a lot of laughs.
  7. I even got out the camping gear and went camping on my birthday weekend. I have not been camping in about 10 years.  It was a lot more work than I remember but I am pretty sure that might be because Joe usually does all the work of setting up the tent – LOL.  Either way I managed to get the tent set up, build a fire and even cook over the open fire.  It was a very relaxing weekend.

Life has been ticking along and I was planning things for next year And then IT happened – the announcement came out – Ironman was going back to Penticton….. WHATTTTT OMG OMG OMG SHUT THE FRONT DOOR OMG.

The  chatter started and I was NO – I am retired, I have things I want to do – it is a time drain, too much time, too much $$ - I am retired from that distance.  Hands over ears La La La La.  More and more of my Ironman friends were  talking about coming out of retirement and my response NO I am retired. We all talked  about it and how great it was that the race was going back to its rightful home.  Even my boss was like you have to do this and I was like No –stay strong.

Then it happened more and more of the Alumni were coming out of the woodwork saying Hell ya we are in and the Joe started chatting and FOMO (Fear of missing out) took over.  So go ahead say I told you so – yes you guessed it - I  registered and will be at the start line in Penticton for summer 2020 Ironman. 

And you know what I am excited – I am excited to swim in the lake, I am excited to ride out to OK falls and up Richters to Cawston out and back then back to town.  Excited to run through Penticton and to hear Steve King call my name one more time.  But I am most excited to be racing in Penticton – I know what this race means to the area and to that city.  It was where I did my first Ironman and it will be where I do my last Ironman - just feels right.  

I mean really I actually did an Ultra Duathlon in June because of the fog issues soooooo.

Whatever – I know you are but what am I? 

Oh the run streak – day 297 completed and the Bro-in-law got injured and had to stop so the end is in sight – only 367 more days to go till I pass him. 

Peace out


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