And I thought it was just 3 things I needed to work on

Well I have been faithfully working on keeping my training notes - that is writing down what I eat and drink each day as well as what I do in the way of phaysical activity. I have been reading various blogs and articles and it has dawned on me that besides swimming, running and riding I need to remember to work on my mental game and nutrition. Mentally I know that if I stick to the plan and remember to visualize success I will get there. That means do the workouts - no excuses - do the workouts - and I already learned that lesson from the first Half IRonman where I skipped a lot of workouts. I paid the price - DNF. Think positively - visualize success - I learned the power of that training for the 2nd half Ironman - very very important. Can never start to early on that.

But I will be honest I am concerned about the nutrition - I am getting better but I am not a big eater while doing workouts. I have been reading articles on amounts and grams and on and on per hour, per pound, per workout and it just seems very overwhelming and like a whole other job. From what I can tell I need to eat about 67 g of carbs per hour on the bike - what that computes to when taking in the swim - I do not know. Plus I am sweater - no I do not perspire I sweat - a lot - worse than Sumo wrestler in a Sauna. So the electrolyte thing is huge for me. I wonder if there is a good book that talks specifically about nutrition for long course - you know - Ironman eating for Dummies. I mean I am pretty comfortable eating stuff while I ride - I always carry a banana, gels, sport beans and a couple of good old granola bars. I have also been know to stop and get a burger on really long rides over 3 hours -part way through and have felt no ill effects. But I am pretty sure that that is not the best food choice. Next weekend on my long run I am going to try chocolate covered coffee beans - should be interesting - I remember reading Ultra marathon Man and him swearing by them - so we will see. I will though not be totally foolish I will make sure I take them when I am closer to bathrooms than not because if it is going to go sideways it usually does about 20 minutes after eating them.

Oh time to eat my apple I have to ride home tonight...


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