No one owes us a thing

R should be for running but recovery is taking a bit longer than I had hoped or wanted. And well for those that know me I am not the most patient person....

That is not to say I have not been running but I am nowhere near where I was or would like to be. AND..... my right leg/groin is acting up. Now how this is happening is beyond me since I landed on my left side but I guess I was hit from behind on both sides so....

Anyways 2 weeks ago I decided I had had enough and I was running and I did - it felt great and then when I stopped not so great about 20 minutes later but nothing a little Tylenol 3 won't fix. I was excited and happy - yeahhhhhh told my physio - she was not so excited but I was like hey I held off for 6 weeks - really!?!? It killed her to say that I should probably run more than once a week just so we could really find out how my body would react - well it is not reacting well. I am running 2x a week and by the end of the run on Sunday my groin and knee were very sore. SHOOT! It is wierd though it does not bug me (okay not much...) while I am running only after I stop.

I am seeing physio tomorrow and hope that it is nothing that can't be fixed. I am now up to swimming 3 days a week - and actually doing the whole hour - not 40 minutes swim, 20 minutes water run, but shoulders and neck very sore by the end of the workout.

Riding I am up to an hour spin class once a week, an hour on the trainer at home and last Saturday I went for my first outdoor ride since the accident - it was about an hour and half. Hoping to get that up to 2 hours this weekend.

However each week seems to bring up new injuries/muscle spasms so who knows. I did get the chance to speak to a remarkable man who had been hit by a car while training for Ironman 2006 - he had head trauma and surgery on his brain. They told him he would never race again 3 months later he did Seattle marathon. This year he did 4 ironmans and I believe 3 marathons just to make sure he was back... It was great to talk to him because he is so inspiring but it provided me with motivation to be even more aggressive in my recovery. So on that note I am going to ride to work tomorrow and do a small run at lunch along with my swim tomorrow night.


Truer words never spoken

Peace out


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