So Close....

Yesterday was the UBC Tri and I was in the Olympic. It is the first race I have done since being rear ended by a jeep last October. I was anxious but optimistic.
I had decided that no guts no glory so I was going to go for a PB and not just a PB but I wanted sub 3 hour. Again no guts no glory.

Thankfully the weather was gorgeous – clear with a small breeze now less than 24 hours later it is a winter wonderland?!?

The swim – last year with Transition I had done 45:44 - this year I wanted to swim in 36:30 minutes and be out of transition in 40 minutes. Nope – my watch read 38 minutes (still faster than last year) and I came out of transition at 45:42 – 2 seconds faster…. Shoulder started to ache right near the end but overall I was pleased – at least with the swim – transition not so much but I was not riding in a wet bathing suit – while it was clear is was very, very , very cold. I wore 3 shirts and my jersey, riding pants, and 2 sets of gloves on the ride.

The bike course was great – I felt really good and stayed in the big ring (love the technical bike speak) all the time – I did not get passed by anyone in my heat. A few things that frustrated me they extended the course – it worked out to a total of 3 km extra. Not a big thing since we were all on the same playing field but frustrating when you are trying to improve on previous year’s results and the course is now longer. As well they changed the order they had the “slow” swimmers start first and that was great but on my last lap of the bike I almost got taken out on the first corner by an elite guy who came flying up and for whatever reason tried to turn on the inside and just about smoked into the side of me and another guy. Thankfully he stopped at the last second and was like I am so sorry not sure what I was thinking but gave me a fright anyways. Then I guess the first heat of the Duathletes was coming out and I was literally surrounded by bikes – drafting – ha ha ha – it could almost had been mistaken for a riding club they were all that close together. I managed to pull out and get around them all before the next corner. Bike time this year 1:27:25 last year 125:39 – I am going to say due to the extra 3 km so really the same time (sigh ) but again in the end not too bad on the last 2 laps my hip and knee starting to make themselves notice – nothing serious but I was aware of them.

Run – I just went out and ran and hoped for the best – I did not do 10 and 1s – a mistake probably but can’t cry over spilt milk. I did not listen to my own advice – race like you train. Ah well - it was all good once I could feel my feet again (LOL) I got passed by only one person on the run in the Olympic and that was at just over 8km. I passed quite a few folks and actually did enjoy the run – my knee and hip started to act up around 8 km but I kept humming I feel good in my head and thinking no guts no glory. At one point I passed a guy and he said quit making it look so easy – I just about had to stop because I started to laugh – if he only knew – EASY not so much – but as coach says keep a smile on your face and never let them see you hurting. So by this point I knew the 3 hour time was not going to happen but I was still hopeful I could pull off a PB – not this time….. Run time 1:04:38 this year – Last year – 1:00:47. Total time: 3:17:44... Last year 3:12:19.
I still feel upset about it – I really wanted to PB – I did not want to let my coaches down. I have mixed emotions – I know I am still in recovery so in some ways I am very happy with my results it means that my recovery is going well, and that I am able to put up a respectable time even though I did not taper – coach had me train right through to race day, but I REALLY, REALLY wanted a PB. I need to sit down with Brad my swim coach and talk about arm speed – I felt better this year in that I was not as winded and such but darn I need to be faster…. Bike – I am pleased that I was able to reproduce last year especially with all the trouble my hip and knee have been giving me so if we keep working on rehab I should be able to start excelling. Run – that bothers me – it is usually my strongest and well you can’t argue with numbers. Need to sit down with my running buddies and come up with a plan of attack.

Next “Race” is Oliver Half Ironman in June – in between I am pacing the Vancouver Half Marathon but maybe I will throw in the St. Paddy’s 5km – I was not going to but as I tell the peeps in the clinic to run faster you must run faster – really it is a state of mind.

Peace out Shaun.


Anonymous said…
So, your swim was faster, your run was faster and if they hadn't added distance to the bike, it would have been a bit faster or the same. Hmmm. Looks like a PB to me - in fact although not on paper.
I know its not what you hoped for, but given being rear ended by a jeep and still recovering, I'd say you kicked-ass.
I am very, very proud of you and think you did an amazing job!!!

Shazam said…
Actually my run was 4 min slower.... that concerns and bothers me, need to look at training for running maybe less distance and more speed...
Anonymous said…
By any measure Shaun you did a spectacular job considering you felt you were not at your physical optimum. You didn't lose any 'ground' because of the accident - that in itself speaks a lot to your training and hard work.


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