2009 the year of Ironman

Wow it has been a while since I have posted anything - probably because I have not been able to get much training in over the past month. December was a bit crazy in that I changed jobs to another part of the city so trying to get in to a new routine. I apparently went to sleep in Vancouver and woke up in Winnipeg around the 16th of December and the bloody stuff is still on the ground making running treacherous at best and then I got nailed with a cold on the 23rd.

I am feeling a lot better now - basically have not done anything since the 23rd with the exception of one spin class, walking the dog and shoveling snow so it is time to get back in the saddle literally. It might explain the antsy grouchy feeling I have had for the past 9 days....But I look at this way at least the seasonal cold is over and I am good to go - snow is slowly going and I am very excited about this year's racing plans.

So goals - UBC Tri in March, Oliver 1/2 Ironman in June, and the big dance - IRONMAN in August and then as a final swan song to 2009 will finish off the year with a Marathon in Dublin, Ireland with my hubby and good friend June - aka June bug.

I got a fabulous calendar - Inside Triathlon, a cadence meter for the bike, and a DVD from Endurance Nation on how to mentally prepare for Ironman. Oh and of course a lonely planet book on Ireland so June and I can plan our trip.

Tonight I will do some core work, Saturday will be a workout on the trainer and Sunday 16km on hopefully non-icy streets.

WOO HOO Bring on 2009

Peace out Shaun


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