
Showing posts from 2011

Anatomy on how NOT to run a major Race

It is just over 2 weeks since June bug, Pam and I went to Vegas to do the Vegas Rock'n'Roll Half marathon. I have run lots of marathons, half marathon, and triathlons and I can honestly say I will NOT run this race ever again and it will take some serious convincing for me to even consider ever doing another Rock'n'Roll event again. I was super excited about this race as I have heard good things from friends about the Rock'n'Roll races and this would be my first one.  I expected a class act - I mean if you run dozens of races across the states and world you figure you got it down to a fine art- right?  This is the first time they would be running the race at night but the race had been there for at least 6 years since I had friends who ran it in 2005.  Besides the change to night they had increased registration to 44,000 but I was not concerned - Dublin was 27,000 and it worked out well and New York was 57,000 so I did not see that that would be a problem. ...

gran disappointment

over a month ago was the Whistler Gran Fondo - this was my "A" event for the year.   As the title of this post says it was a big disappointment to say the least.  The expectations by all were high - I had been rocking all the training rides.  I was strong - I was back to pre-accident form if not better.  I was at the front of the hills - I was holding on strong to the super fast group.  I could hold my own and I was dropping peeps on hills again - this was going to be awesome I was going to break 5 hours and 4.5 hours was a very realistic goal.  I was pumped.  Ride strategy had been pondered and talked about over with Jude and I had my game plan - the last ride was fantastic - I was relaxed, I was ready, I was excited. Last ride went well I felt great, enjoyed the rest of my long weekend and then Monday night the ominous itch in my throat started. SHIT - no need to panic - gargle with salt water and off to bed.  Tuesday am - I wake up...

IRONMAN - He may be faster but my medal is bigger!

Once again we made the trek up to Penticton for our annual Ironman vacation. This year Joe was competing and I was there as support crew. Joe wanted to be in the heart of it so we got a room on the beach right by the final turn-around for the marathon. Perfect positioning. The green goddesses were also in the same hotel and Special K, June Bug and Pam were going to be coming up on the weekend to aid me and mumsy in our cheering as the – wait for it…..THE JOSPEPH WITNESSES – LOL. I obviously can not tell you how Mr J felt through out the race but I can tell you that it was an emotional and stressful day for me and the Joseph Witnesses however we cheered our hearts out for not just Joe but all the athletes and had a fantastic time. The night before the girls and I gathered our chalk and headed out to the streets to write some messages – starting from the entrance of our hotel: Home of 1333 – Iron Joe and up the street with messages for him finishing off with our best and most popul...

RAWR– I am a Warrior as long as my hands can stay Clean….

It has been a busy summer and I will have to do several posts over the next few days or so to catch up on all the adventures. After the Oliver Half Iron I took a bit of time off (okay a week) because of my knee. I actually did go to physio -- twice – HEY THAT IS A LOT FOR ME. We changed our runs to the trails and the gals and I hooked up at various trails every Sunday. It was then I noticed – running did not bug my hip or knee, however every time I rode I would be in agony by the end of the ride. Hmmmmmmm – so I took the bike into the shop to have them take a look at it. As soon as I got on to the bike on the trainer and started pedaling – Jay stopped me. He looked at my cleat and said well here is the problem your cleat is twisted and it is torqueing your knee out. Must have happened during that terrible spin-class crash. So we fixed my cleat and literally pain gone. Happy, happy. So next race - Warrior Dash – a crazy assed 3 mile run up in Whistler, BC. Now I was not worried ab...

Spectators - can make your race

Just recently I was at the Scotiabank Half marathon - I was helping at it and then when my tasks were done I went into spectator mode. I knew a lot of peeps racing in this race as it is a popular race 1 - for the gorgeous course and 2 - because it is a fast course - PB's are easy to come by on this course.  It was a lot bigger a few years ago but with the Seattle Rock-n-Roll the same weekend a lot of locals head off to that race. Anyways I digress. So while I was helping I stood along the road and clapped and cheered runners as they went by from the very first one to the very last one.  As I knew a lot of the runners I made sure to yell out their names if I spotted them and more than a few hugs and high fives were passed out. After I finished I headed to my car and was off to meet friends who were racing at the finish line for breakfast. I was driving down and realized how few spectators there was and so I decided to roll down my window, crank the tunes and start honkin...

Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger

Seriously, I have no excuses.  Not sure how life gets away but it does. SO lets see last time I posted I had been in an epic battle with my bike and the trainer in which the trainer won.  Well Isis got fixed up just fine and we back out on the roads where we belong. Work has been crazy but I love it.  My last clinic for a while ended and we had a great wrap-up-dinner.  The group all had great times and I succssfully maintained my title as the most on time pace bunny ever.  The bunny contract this year was 2hr 15 and I came in at 2 hr 14 min, 46 seconds.  So contract fulfilled.  I have stepped back from the clinics for awhile and it has been with mixed feelings.  The clinics have been my baby for a long time but with work as busy as it is and Joe's Ironman year and some peronal things I am contemplating it just seemed like the right time.  DOn't get me wrong I miss the peeps and I am still getting used to having Thursday nights to myself b...

Revenge of the trainer

My indoor trainer - Oh how I hate riding on the trainer. I know it is good for technique and you can get a good work out on the trainer while staying warm and dry in doors during the bad winter months.  Your bike stays clean, you can catch up on all your TV shows, watch movies and are safe from erratic drivers.  But I still hate riding on the trainer.  Quite frankly I would rather poke myself in the eye with a pencil.  Thankfully living on the wet coast we have mild winters and generally can ride all year long with the exception of a couple of weeks usually in January.  I honestly would rather ride outside in the cold and rain then on the trainier.  And have done so but as of late the girls have been riding in spin class at Coach B's new spin studio - I did not plan on going but a few weeks ago I took a small tumble down a flight of stairs at work and so part of the rehab was spin class (groan....).  So I signed up for 5 classes figur...

Maybe I can swim

So when I was preparing for Ironman one of the things I did was take an open-water clinic to help me calm down in open water.  The course was with a gentleman named Peter - aka My riding buddies Judith and Cindy swore by him and I knew I needed help with calming down in open water.  It was kind of ridiculous the panic attacks I would have every single time.  So I signed up. It did work - I calmed down and was able to get through each swim without the usual 3 minute panic attack at the start.  I was still as slow as molasses but at least I was calm.  I have been told a zillion times swimming is all about technique - blah, blah, blah and I have worked and worked on it.  I have done or at least I thought I was doing what everyone was telling me and was just frustrated.  Seriously - super frustrated - so frustrated that I started not wanting to swim because I was so tired of well sucking at it.  It seemed no matter how often I swam...

The breezes of freedom

I always train with a ball cap - always.  People who train with me have a hard time recognizing me when I am in my civvies because I am not wearing a cap. I love ball caps and have worn them religiously since I was 9 and started playing softball.  I have more caps then my husband and I treasure each one.  Some get worn more than others - some are just for running, some are for post running and then there are my dressy ones that I wear when walking the dog or going grocery shopping.  Yep I love ball caps - if I could figure out how to wear one at work I probably would. One of the things I love about riding is feeling the breeze as you ride - remember when you could feel the breeze in your hair as zoomed along the street.  Breeze not some brutal stupid head wind but breeze.  To me that was freedom.  I love jumping on my bike as a kid as soon as I could and riding, feeling the breeze on my skin and through my hair.  No worries, no parents, no rot...


Yes that is right folks me and the boy have officially registered for the Oliver Half Ironman.  Will this by my year?  Probably not since he is actually training this year but hey a girl's gotta dream.  This past week has been a bit of a gong show.  Flew down a flight of stairs at work on Monday -can we say OW.  Pretty banged up and then Friday night I went out to get something on the sundeck with my crocs on and of course it had been raining and well I was airborne in no time.  Good news is I landed on the opposite side from Monday's fall.  Decided not to ride on Saturday morning but did do a 2 hour walk with the dog to the grocery store and back.  Walk home involved carrying 4 litres of milk, 2 litres of OJ and a few other items in my knapsack - probably should have just done the ride. This morning was Sunday Clinic run and with 2 clinics going at the same time  and running different distances organization is key.  I have to say my...

Shaun 1 - Squirrels 0

Last week was the first time I was on the bike since the beginning of December.  I sent a note to Coach B and gals and was told 9am - KCC ready to ride.  I was looking forward to the ride - timing was off and I parked with about 5 min to spare to get my  bike out and shoes on - then I had to go back to get my glasses.  The first ride also saw the LETC tri club start to ride with us.... more about that later.  Cindy waited with me to grab my glasses and then we chased down the group - nothing like a km sprint to start out your ride. We caught the group and slotted in. I then had a chance to say where are we going - Whytecliff - via upper levels...ah nuts!  I thought we were going to Steveston and if I had known West Van I would have met them  in West Van.  First ride back I was not too excited about 3+ hours - but I was in it now.  The ride out to West Van was not too bad and I thought maybe this will be okay.  We headed out...

For the love of running

Happy new year!  wow has it really been that long since I  posted.  I guess 2010 shows you how narcissitic (?sp) I am - barely posted at all.  Title - well after NY I had a melt down - well as best as you can when still coaching.  I have hated running for a while honestly since before NY - it was not good.  No wonder I blew up in the marathon.  I came back and was like blah...  I did my runs because I am leading a clinic but I did the bare minumum.  Sundays and Thursdays. I got out and did spin and my weekly rides but I was resentful.  Something I loved doing - my time to hook up with the green goddesses was pissing me off and making me resentful.  All was not well in my world.  I thought about it  - I mean I took a week off in NY - well okay 6 days, but still time off.  What was going on and then as usual my guardian angel - Judith - saw it and called me out.  I knew it in my heart I just did not want...